The Aperture Science Database Wiki
130px-Glados core 2

One of the Personality Cores.

A Personality Core is an independent sphere containing advanced personality software created by Aperture Science for use in their laboratories.


Personality Cores are known to be used in several ways: attached to a robot such as GLaDOS to give her personality features, confined to ceiling rails, allowing to travel around the Aperture Laboratories, and linked to computer terminals to open doors, reveal hidden passages, or activate elevators. While some Personality Cores have very basic functions, some are capable of being sentient independently. Some cores are able to control specific emotions, whereas others, such as Wheatley, slated to appear in Portal 2, seem to have an entire personality that is not reliant on an attached computer or device. Indeed, Wheatley expresses feelings such as enthusiasm, fear, or shyness, in an advanced way. Personality Cores are typically stored within a case

140px-GLaDOS' Morality Core attached

The Mortality Core.

equipped with two handles above and under, which fits around the Core itself, dotted with a large, single eye (supposedly a camera), with a color related to its function, a pupil varying in size, and a varying number of dots at each side of the eye. The Core can move in all directions independently from its case, allowing it to see in every direction not hidden by the case. In the back of the Core can typically found a three pin plug to connect it to the proper devices. Personality Cores are typically stored within a case equipped with two handles above and under, which fits around the Core itself, dotted with a large, single eye (supposedly a camera), with a color related to its function, a pupil varying in

140px-GLaDOS' Curiosity Core attached

The Curiosity Core

size, and a varying number of dots at each side of the eye. The Core can move in all directions independently from its case, allowing it to see in every direction not hidden by the case. In the back of the Core can typically found a three pin plug to connect it to the proper devices. In Portal, the Personality Cores are mostly used on GLaDOS, who is dotted with four types: the Morality Core, a purple core with a rather diluted pupil and two dots installed into GLaDOS to stop her from flooding the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin; the Curiosity Core, an orange core with an average size pupil and four dots that is insatiably curious about everything around it (it even recognizes Chell as "the lady from the test"); the Knowledge Core (also known as "Crazy Core"), a blue core

140px-GLaDOS' Emotion Core attached

The Emotional Core, or the Angry Core.

with a very dilated pupil and six dots that gives an interesting cake recipe, and the Emotion Core (also known as "Aggressive Core" or "Anger Sphere"), a red core with a rather small pupil and eight dots that emits angry growling sounds. Wheatley appears to be a Knowledge Core. Personality Cores also seem to be very solid devices, as they do not seem to be affect by long falls. It appears that only an Emergency Intelligence Incinerator can destroy them. Still when Chell detaches all of GLaDOS's Cores in Portal, the Cores are all sent in a different location, making it harder and harder for Chell to catch them. While being in these locations, they appear to be still linked to GLaDOS somehow with a greenish, semi-transparent beam / thread. It is only when grabbed by

140px-GLaDOS' Intelligence Core attached

The Intelligence Core

Chell and destroyed in the Emergency Intelligence Incinerator that their effect on GLaDOS stops. GLaDOS is also equipped with four discs, and four servers installed in the entrance of her chamber. These may be related to her Personality Cores, but it is unknown to what extent. The The Orange Box Prima Guide states that these four discs "represent each aspect" of her Personality Cores, but it is unknown what that means exactly.

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